Rail recon

Role(s): Level Design, General Design

Time: May 2017 - January 2018

Team Size: 12

Platform: PC

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

About the game

Delve into the underground facility of Rail Recon, a Twin-stick Shooter with a Rail System. Navigate through its network of rails in search of its crystals, while maneuvering and fighting through the facility's defenses.

“Shooting buttons to keep me on track”

“Shooting buttons to keep me on track”

My Highlights

Crafting Onboarding moments

Design and implemented onboarding moments combining enemy interaction and level mechanics such as doors, buttons and rotating tracks.

Every moment is an opportunity to provide a new challenge, a new lesson to be taught, gradually expanding the players’ understanding of the mechanics and expanding their depth.


Initial Art pass

With little art manpower, I helped out by providing initial art passes for all levels. This meant placing walls, floors and rocks around the level.